Q&A: Ask a D-Mama

We are just over one month away from National Diabetes Awareness Month in November.  As someone who has made being educated about all things diabetes a priority, I’d like to start a Q&A series about diabetes on my blog.  No question is off limits if it is related to diabetes.  The point of this will be to educate and to hopefully dispel some common myths about Type 1 Diabetes.  I don’t care how much or how little you know about Type 1, please feel free to ask questions.  If I don’t know a definitive answer off-hand I will research it and answer to the best of my ability.  My hope is to encourage people to ask questions, and to avoid making assumptions if they do not deal with diabetes first-hand.  In addition to answering questions I will be giving away a mystery prize pack to one lucky winner (Est. value $20).  Entries will be tracked using Rafflecopter and will run through Nov 30, 2014.  Click on the link below to make sure your entries count!  Options for entering include: Commenting on this blog post, emailing your questions to chasinglows@gmail.com, tweeting about this blog post and giveaway along with your question, liking “Chasing Lows” on Facebook.  If you would like your question to remain anonymous please use the email option and state in the email that you would like to remain anonymous.  All questions and answers will be posted over the next two months in separate blog posts.  Please share this post with friends and family members. All are welcome to enter the giveaway by asking their own Type 1 Diabetes related question!

Swing Life Away

On September 16, 2014 Angelina experienced her first ever concert.  On a school night, no less.  During one of the opening bands she and I decided to hang out in the lobby because I am getting old and the band was just NOISE.  The music was actually okay but the “singer” just screamed random things into the microphone that were unintelligible and ouch, my ears.  Angelina felt the same way, so maybe it isn’t just old(er) age, lol.

As we were sitting out in the lobby a couple came and sat near us and we struck up a conversation.  Apparently the woman was a kindergarten teacher and told Angelina that she had the most awesome mom ever for bringing her to a Rise Against concert on a Tuesday.  It didn’t feel so awesome when I had to try to get her up for school at 7:30 the next morning after we didn’t get home until almost 1am.  Fortunately *cough* her site decided that it wanted to pull out at about the time she finally rolled out of bed and we had to do a site change which gave an “excuse” for being late, aside from “we were out late and she didn’t want to wake up this morning”, which would not be an excused absence.  I only feel slightly guilty for finding some diabetes related thing to make an excuse for tardiness.  But, at least it gave an honest excuse, right?  I know, I’m  a terrible mother.  First I let my kid stay out till all hours at punk rock concert then let her be late for school the next morning because instead of just sticking a new site in, I actually did our normal EMLA cream routine that takes at least an extra 30-45 minutes, instead of telling her to suck it up because we don’t have time for EMLA cream.  Of course, it had more to do with the fact that she had to get dressed and all of that so she might as well have a painless site since she was going to need the extra time anyway.


Also, Rise Against was awesome.  This is what her diabetes thought of the concert:

Screenshot 2014-09-23 12.24.09.png


Last song- crashing!

Last song- crashing!

And, not diabetes related, but concert photos, cuz, yeah!

Ironically closed Hollywood Video in Hollywood, CA

Ironically closed Hollywood Video next to the venue in Hollywood, CA



