I Can’t Even…

I don’t even know what to say here.  I just know that I haven’t posted anything in three weeks and I feel like I need to write something here, even if I can’t write about the real reason I haven’t posted anything in 3 weeks.

I’m going to say that the sh*t hit the fan recently and we are all still trying to recover and mop up the insane mess that our life has become.  Diabetes isn’t the biggest monster under the bed.  And that’s all that I can really say.

I hope everyone is well and enjoying summer break (if it’s started yet).

2 thoughts on “I Can’t Even…

  1. Hugs. I’m sorry it’s been so rough lately. Totally understand how diabetes takes a back-seat to other life problems. When you are ready to write, we are here to listen.


    • Angelina has banned me from posting anything about it. I have been repeatedly patting myself on the back for respecting her wishes. Because I am a total narcissist, apparently and there is very little that I won’t post on the internet about.


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